Wednesday, June 30, 2004

Anjing Kecil

Seekor anak anjing yang kecil mungil sedang berjalan-jalan di ladang
Ketika dia mendekati kandang kuda, dia mendengar binatang besar itu
Kata kuda itu : "Kamu pasti masih baru di sini, cepat atau lambat kamu
mengetahui kalau pemilik ladang ini mencintai saya lebih dari binatang
lainnya, sebab saya bisa mengangkut banyak barang untuknya, saya kira
binatang sekecil kamu tidak akan bernilai sama sekali baginya", ujarnya
dengan sinis.

Anjing kecil itu menundukkan kepalanya dan pergi, lalu dia mendengar
sapi di kandang sebelah berkata : "Saya adalah binatang yang paling
terhormat di sini sebab nyonya di sini membuat keju dan mentega dari
saya. Kamu tentu tidak berguna bagi keluarga di sini", dengan nada

Teriak seekor domba : "Hai sapi, kedudukanmu tidak lebih tinggi dari
saya memberi mantel bulu kepada pemilik ladang ini. Saya memberi
kepada seluruh keluarga. Tapi omonganmu soal anjing kecil itu, kayanya
memang benar. Dia sama sekali tidak ada manfaatnya di sini."

Satu demi satu binatang di situ ikut serta dalam percakapan itu, sambil
menceritakan betapa tingginya kedudukan mereka di ladang itu. Ayam pun
berkata bagaimana dia telah memberikan telur, kucing bangga bagaimana
telah mengenyahkan tikus-tikus pengerat dari ladang itu. Semua binatang
sepakat kalau si anjing kecil itu adalah mahluk tak berguna dan tidak
sanggup memberikan kontribusi apapun kepada keluarga itu.

Terpukul oleh kecaman binatang-binatang lain, anjing kecil itu pergi ke
tempat sepi dan mulai menangis menyesali nasibnya, sedih rasanya sudah
piatu, dianggap tak berguna, disingkirkan dari pergaulan lagi.....

Ada seekor anjing tua di situ mendengar tangisan tersebut, lalu
keluh kesah si anjing kecil itu. "Saya tidak dapat memberikan pelayanan
kepada keluarga disini, sayalah hewan yang paling tidak berguna

Kata anjing tua itu : "Memang benar bahwa kamu terlalu kecil untuk
pedati, kamu tidak bisa memberikan telur, susu ataupun bulu, tetapi
sekali jika kamu menangisi sesuatu yang tidak bisa kamu lakukan. Kamu
menggunakan kemampuan yang diberikan oleh Sang Pencipta untuk membawa

Malam itu ketika pemilik ladang baru pulang dan tampak amat lelah
perjalanan jauh di panas terik matahari, anjing kecil itu lari
menghampirinya, menjilat kakinya dan melompat ke pelukannya. Sambil
menjatuhkan diri ke tanah, pemilik ladang dan anjing kecil itu
berguling-guling di rumput disertai tawa ria. Akhirnya pemilik ladang
memeluk dia erat-erat dan mengelus-elus kepalanya, serta berkata :
saya pulang dalam keadaan letih, tapi rasanya semua jadi sirna, bila
menyambutku semesra ini, kamu sungguh yang paling berharga di antara
binatang di ladang ini, kecil kecil kamu telah mengerti artinya

Jangan sedih karena kamu tidak dapat melakukan sesuatu seperti orang
karena memang tidak memiliki kemampuan untuk itu, tetapi apa yang kamu
lakukan, lakukanlah itu dengan sebaik-baiknya..... Dan jangan sombong
kamu merasa banyak melakukan beberapa hal pada orang lain, karena orang
tinggi hati akan direndahkan dan orang yang rendah hati akan


To The world you might be somebody, but to somebody you might be the world.

"So how do you love yourself? First of all and most important:
Cease all criticism of yourself and others. Accept yourself as
you are. When you approve of yourself, your changes become
positive. Everyone in your world is a reflection of your beliefs.
Don't blame others; change your beliefs. Be gentle, kind and
patient with yourself. Praise yourself as much as you can."
Louise L. Hay




Tahukah anda bahwa jika anda berteriak terus menerus selama 8
tahun, 7 bulan dan 6 hari, energi yang anda keluarkan akan cukup
untuk memanaskan secangkir kopi. (Ngapain? Nggak sebanding sama

Jika anda kentut secara konsisten selama 6 tahun 9 bulan, anda akan
menghasilkan gas yang cukup untuk menciptakan energi yang
diperlukan dalam membuat bom atom. (Nah, kalo ini mendingan lah,
lebih sebanding.)

Durasi orgasme seekor babi dapat mencapai 30 menit lamanya. (Wuih.
kalo ada reinkarnasi, in my next life, I want to be a pig. Cuma gue
bingung kok bisa-bisanya tau soal ini ya?)

Membenturkan kepala ke tembok menghabiskan 150 kalori setiap
jamnya.(Hmm.. Gue masih kepikiran soal babi tadi koq)

Dari banyak spesies, hanya manusia dan lumba-lumba yang bisa
melakukan seks sebagai sebuah kesenangan. (Oh jadi itu sebabnya
Flipper sang lumba-lumba selalu tersenyum!)(Dan babi bisa orgasme
30 menit? Nggak
adil, anggak adil!!)

Semua beruang kutub kidal. (Emang siapa peduli? Lagian darimana
bisa tau?)

Seekor kecoa mampu bertahan hidup selama 9 hari tanpa kepala,
sebelum mati karena kelaparan. (kasian ya,mendingan for next
life berdoa jadi babi aja..)

Seekor kutu mampu melompat sejauh 350 kali panjang badannya.
Kira-kira sama dengan seorang manusia melompat sejauh lapangan
sepak bola.
(30 menit bo...kebayang nggak sih?.... dan kenapa musti babi?)

Belalang sembah jantan tidak bisa membuahi betinanya selama
kepalanya masih menempel pada tubuhnya. Sang betina harus
memulai ritual seks dengan memenggal kepala sang
(Mudah-mudahan nggak ada yang
memberi tahu mereka soal babi tadi.)

Beberapa jenis singa mampu kawin sebanyak 50 kali dalam sehari.
(Boleh juga, tapi in my next life, I still want to be a pig: quality
over quantity bo..)

Alat perasa pada kupu-kupu adalah kakinya. ( lucu ah..)

Bintang laut tidak mempunyai otak. (Ah, nggak cuma bintang laut.
Manusia juga ada.)

Setelah membaca semua ini, kesimpulannya... tetep: lucky pigs...



Tuesday, June 29, 2004

Good for practice

Bagus untuk direnungkan dan dipraktekkan

Jerry adalah seorang manager restoran di Amerika. Dia selalu dalam semangat
yang baik dan selalu punya hal positif untuk dikatakan. Jika seseorang
bertanya kepadanya tentang apa yang sedang dia kerjakan, dia akan selalu
menjawab, "Jika aku dapat yang lebih baik, aku lebih suka menjadi orang

Banyak pelayan di restorannya keluar jika Jerry pindah kerja, sehingga
mereka dapat tetap mengikutinya dari satu restoran ke restoran yang lain.

Alasan mengapa para pelayan restoran tersebut keluar mengikuti Jerry adalah
karena sikapnya.

Jerry adalah seorang motivator alami. Jika karyawannya sedang mengalami
hari yang buruk, dia selalu ada di sana, memberitahu karyawan tersebut
bagaimana melihat sisi positif dari situasi yang tengah dialami.

Melihat gaya tersebut benar-benar membuat aku penasaran, jadi suatu hari
aku temui Jerry dan bertanya padanya, "Aku tidak mengerti! Tidak mungkin
seseorang menjadi orang yang berpikiran positif sepanjang waktu. Bagaimana
kamu dapat melakukannya?"

Jerry menjawab, "Tiap pagi aku bangun dan berkata pada diriku, aku punya
dua pilihan hari ini. Aku dapat memilih untuk ada di dalam suasana yang
baik atau memilih dalam suasana yang jelek. Aku selalu memilih dalam
suasana yang baik. Tiap kali sesuatu terjadi, aku dapat memilih untuk
menjadi korban atau aku belajar dari kejadian itu. Aku selalu memilih
belajar dari hal itu. Setiap ada sesorang menyampaikan keluhan, aku dapat
memilih untuk menerima keluhan mereka atau aku dapat mengambil sisi
positifnya. Aku selalu memilih sisi positifnya."

"Tetapi tidak selalu semudah itu," protesku. "Ya, memang begitu," kata
Jerry, "Hidup adalah sebuah pilihan. Saat kamu membuang seluruh masalah,
setiap keadaan adalah sebuah pilihan. Kamu memilih bagaimana bereaksi
terhadap semua keadaan. Kamu memilih bagaimana orang-orang di sekelilingmu
terpengaruh oleh keadaanmu. Kamu memilih untuk ada dalam keadaan yang baik
atau buruk. Itu adalah pilihanmu, bagaimana kamu hidup."

Beberapa tahun kemudian, aku dengar Jerry mengalami musibah yang tak pernah
terpikirkan terjadi dalam bisnis restoran: membiarkan pintu belakang tidak
terkunci pada suatu pagi dan dirampok oleh tiga orang bersenjata. Saat
mencoba membuka brankas, tangannya gemetaran karena gugup dan salah

memutar nomor kombinasi. Para perampok panik dan menembaknya. Untungnya,
Jerry cepat ditemukan dan segera dibawa ke rumah sakit.

Setelah menjalani operasi selama 18 jam dan seminggu perawatan intensif,
Jerry dapat meninggalkan rumah sakit dengan beberapa bagian peluru masih
berada di dalam tubuhnya. Aku melihat Jerry enam bulan setelah musibah
tersebut. Saat aku tanya Jerry bagaimana keadaannya, dia menjawab, "Jika
aku dapat yang lebih baik, aku lebih suka menjadi orang kembar. Mau melihat
bekas luka-lukaku?" Aku menunduk untuk melihat luka-lukanya, tetapi aku
masih juga bertanya apa yang dia pikirkan saat terjadinya perampokan.

"Hal pertama yang terlintas dalam pikiranku adalah bahwa aku harus mengunci
pintu belakang," jawab Jerry. "Kemudian setelah mereka menembak dan aku
tergeletak di lantai, aku ingat bahwa aku punya dua pilihan: aku dapat
memilih untuk hidup atau mati. Aku memilih untuk hidup."

"Apakah kamu tidak takut?" tanyaku. Jerry melanjutkan, "Para ahli medisnya
hebat. Mereka terus berkata bahwa aku akan sembuh. Tapi saat mereka
mendorongku ke ruang gawat darurat dan melihat ekspresi wajah para dokter
dan suster aku jadi takut. Mata mereka berkata 'Orang ini akan mati'. Aku
tahu aku harus mengambil tindakan."

"Apa yang kamu lakukan?" tanya saya. "Di sana ada suster gemuk yang
bertanya padaku," kata Jerry. "Dia bertanya apakah aku punya alergi. 'Ya'
jawabku. Para dokter dan suster berhenti bekerja dan mereka menunggu
jawabanku. Aku menarik nafas dalam-dalam dan berteriak, 'Peluru!' Di tengah
tertawa mereka, aku katakan, 'Aku memilih untuk hidup. Tolong aku dioperasi
sebagai orang hidup, bukan orang mati'."

Jerry dapat hidup karena keahlian para dokter, tetapi juga karena sikap
hidupnya yang mengagumkan. Aku belajar dari dia bahwa tiap hari kamu dapat
memilih apakah kamu akan menikmati hidupmu atau membencinya. Satu hal yang
benar-benar milikmu yang tidak bisa dikontrol oleh orang lain adalah sikap
hidupmu, sehingga jika kamu bisa mengendalikannya dan segala hal dalam
hidup akan jadi lebih mudah.


True Friend

An ordinary friend has never seen you cry.

A true friend has had a wet shoulder from your tears.

An ordinary friend does not know your parents' first names.

A true friend probably has their phone number written down
as well.

An ordinary friend brings a bottle of wine to your party.

A true friend shows up early to help you prepare...
and stays late to help clean up.

An ordinary friend gets upset when you call late.

A true friend asks why you weren't able to call earlier.

An ordinary friend likes to listen to your problems.

A true friend likes to help you solve them.

An ordinary friend behaves like a guest and waits to be
served when he or she visits.

A true friend goes to the fridge and serves himself.

An ordinary friend thinks your friendship is over after a

A true friend knows that friendships get stronger after a

An ordinary friend always expects you to be there to help out.

A true friend is always there to help you out.

A true friend?
Someone who sticks with you when everyone else abandons you.


"A friend is someone I can be sincere with, someone I can
think out loud to."
Ralph Waldo Emerson


While walking along a beach at dawn an old man saw a boy
picking starfish up off the sand and throwing them back into
the sea. He caught up to the boy and asked him what he was doing.

The boy replied that the starfish would die if left exposed
on the sand after sunrise.

"But this beach goes on for miles," the old man said.
"There must be thousands of starfish stranded on the sand.
What difference will it make to save just a few?"

The boy looked at the starfish he was holding in his hand,
then threw it onto the surf.

"Well, for THAT starfish it makes a big difference!"

(Minnesota Literacy Council)


Harianto Tjong
FSU Physics Graduate Student
Institute of Molecular Biophysics 419
(850) 645-1334
Tallahassee FL-32306

Pencerahan Universal


Suatu hari empat sekawan berjanji satu sama lain untuk bermeditasi tanpa
berbicara sepatah kata pun selama tujuh hari. Pada hari pertama semuanya
tutup mulut, dan meditasi berjalan sesuai rencana. Ketika malam tiba,
lampu minyak mulai kering, dan cahaya mulai redup. Seorang pelayan
tertidur di dekat situ.

Salah satu dari mereka tidak tahan untuk tidak bersuara, "Isi lampu itu,"

Orang kedua kaget mendengar suara temannya, "Hus! Kita kan tak boleh
bicara, ingat nggak?"

"Kalian berdua bodoh! Kenapa bicara?" sergah orang ketiga.

Dengan suara lirih orang keempat menggumam, "Cuma saya yang tidak bicara."

Sejak lahir, kita memiliki hasrat bawaan untuk berkomunikasi dengan
orang-orang di sekitar kita. Jika digunakan dengan benar, kata-kata tentu
akan banyak membantu. Namun sering kali kita kelepasan bicara tanpa
memikirkan terlebih dahulu apa yang seharusnya kita katakan atau apakah
sebenarnya kita perlu bicara atau tidak.

Seperti empat sekawan tadi, kita sering berharap untuk tidak mengatakan
apa yang terlanjur kita katakan. Pada saat itu, sudah terlambat karena
kata-kata yang telah dikeluarkan tak dapat ditarik kembali. Kita mungkin
saja meminta maaf, namun kerusakan telah terjadi.

Kita seyogianya menjadi tuan atas lidah kita. Lidah harus mengucapkan apa
yang ingin kita ucapkan saja, bukannya berceloteh tak terkendali.
Sayangnya, sering kali lidahlah yang menjadi tuan dan kita menjadi
budaknya; kita terpaksa mendengar apa yang lidah ucapkan atas nama kita
dan sering kita tak mampu menghentikan ocehannya. Kurangnya kesadaran dan
kendali semacam itu kadang dapat membawa bencana.

Kesadaran, lagi-lagi, adalah kuncinya. Terlepas dari kita akhirnya akan
bicara atau tidak bicara, sadarilah itu sebelum, selama, dan sesudahnya.

Be Happy!



Sunday, June 27, 2004

Voice of Maitreya



When we don't take conscience into account, knowledge becomes the
barrier that blocks us from realizing the ultimate truth. For this
reason, we treat materialism and spirituality, technology and humanity as
separate things. The separation of their relationships has brought us
inevitable pains and troubles. Our need to live in happiness, bliss and
satisfaction then becomes unreachable. When our material life no longer
relate with the conscience, our spiritual life deteriorates. Without
conscience, the fruit of humanity is worse than technology because it
misguides mankind with negative influence.
Old moral standards have been forgotten or discarded, yet new moral
standards have not been established, humankind is facing spiritual
crisis, which will in fact affect survival. When material living and
misguided technological advancements flood the world, we then raise our
attention to the importance of spiritual living. When technology engulfs
the world, occupying every minute detail of our lives, even seeping into
our daily conversations, actions, thoughts, and works, we have then
become captivated by technology. Only then do people discover that a
righteous humanity or spiritual living is a necessity for living. In our
current society, the elite lifestyle can no longer be a parade of wealth,
status, and power; it must steep into a higher quality of humanity.
We must acknowledge the fact that: the pursuit of material life and
spiritual life, the advancement in technology or the consideration for
humanity, are not the final goals of life, but only the processes of
reaching a happy, blissful, and satisfactory life. Regardless of how
rich our material life is, or how satisfactory our spiritual life may be,
or how advanced the technology becomes, or how multifarious the humanity
flourishes, if they can not bring peace to the world, stability to a
nation, prosperity and harmony to a society, happiness to a family,
conscience awakening to an individual, then they are meaningless!
Since the dawn of time, other than Buddhas and Saints, how many
people have really understood the dignity of life, the true meaning of
survival, and the connotation and essence of living? How many can turn
their back from the social trends and avoid becoming the slaves of
living? How many can refuse to be blinders of survival? And how many
can refuse to be trespassers on life?
The objective of the Maitreya Great Tao is to help everyone come to
realize the dignity of life, the true meaning of survival, and the
connotation and essence of living. We cordially invite all people to
assist and support Maitreya in establishing the Kingdom of Great Harmony,
bringing the Pureland on Earth, and actualizing the Century of Bright

Wang Tzu Kuang
Providence Maitreya Buddha
Missionary Institute
Feb. 5, 2002


- Understanding the Dignity and Sanctity of Our Life
- The Significance of Life
- The True Essence of Living
- The True Meaning of Living
- The Five Desires of Humans
- Technology: Fortune or Misfortune
- Listen to the Voice of the Conscience
- Conscience Guiding the Way
- Maitreya's Noble Vow

Understanding the Dignity and Sanctity of Our Life

Neither materialism nor religion can build upon or strengthen the
ultimate dignity and sanctity of our lives.
Among the many billions of people and the numerous life forms on
earth, their dignity and sanctity are absolutely equal. Regardless of
nationality, religion, wealth, power, intelligence, age, male or female,
including the birds, fish, and animals, which of their lives is not
worthy of respect? All life deserves equal respect. Since the dignity
of all life is to be respected, what entitles humans to kill or slaughter
other living beings?
The Bible says that humankind was created in the image of God. What
does this mean? God created the human soul to reflect a small fraction
of the ultimate divinity. Virtues such as respect, nobility, greatness,
holiness, truthfulness, goodness, and joyfulness are the true essence of
our life, which is the true and richest heritage of the conscience.
These are the essences of God's ultimate virtues. And every being
possesses this conscience heritage. Hence, every life is to be respected.
Gautama Buddha (Buddha Sakyamuni) said, "Upon Heaven and Earth, I am
the Supreme One." The "I" does not mean the "I" of the flesh. It refers
to everyone's "The True Self, The Sacred Conscience, or The Divine I."
It is the "Buddha Nature" within oneself. There are over six billion
people in the world, and everyone possesses this divine self. In this,
all is worthy of respect.
In the Golden Mean, Confucian said, "Our Inner Spirit is endowed by
God; following this Inner Spirit is the Tao." God gives each of us an
Inner Spirit, the Emanated Spirit of God, or the Sacred Conscience.
This should form the basis of all our actions. When we see, listen,
speak or act in accordance with the Sacred Conscience, our state of being
is in harmony with the Tao. Therefore, the terms God, Tao, Conscience,
and "I" should be in harmony with each other. When we let the Emanated
Spirit of God be the master of the body, the body becomes a temple. Such
harmonious coordination of body and spirit or Tao is considered the
Supreme One. This realization will eventually be the ultimate goal in
everyone's life, because this is the true dignity and sanctity of life.
Materialism, religion, technology, or humanity cannot build upon or
strengthen the ultimate dignity or sanctity of our lives. Moreover,
wealth, status, power, knowledge, literacy, ability, intelligence or
talent does not increase the innate respectability of our lives. This
innate respectability has an independent intrinsic value.

The Significance of Life

The significance of life is to bring about the Maitreya Pureland so
that all sentient beings can share the survival, glory, abundance, joy,
serenity, enlightenment, possession, gain, prosperity, and achievement
The dignity and sanctity of life is equal among all humans. The life
of the president and the lives of the citizens are of equal value and
respectability. So is the worthiness of the lives of the rich and the
poor. Therefore we cannot care only about our own survival; we must not
neglect others' lives. The stronger and more powerful should not defeat
the weaker thus taking away their space or rights to survive. Neither
should the stronger build their survival upon others' pain and struggles.
God granted every being the right to survive. Therefore it is not the
will of our conscience to deprive others of their lives.
The sanctity of everyone's life should be honored. The same respect
must also be applied to all animals. No one has the right to control or
manipulate another's chance of survival. Humans, animals, the animated
or the unanimated should co-exist together with harmony and prosperity.
The arrival of the Pureland, a Heaven on Earth, The Kingdom of Maitreya
will bring mutual survival, honor, glory, peace, realization, prosperity,
and achievement for all of us. This is the significance of life on Earth.

Mutual survival—Every being has equal opportunity to survive
What is the meaning of life if one is the sole survivor in this
world? Caring only about one's own life while taking away the lives of
others is neither meaningful nor respectful. In the Kingdom of Maitreya,
every being lives in the paradise of peace, harmony, wealth, happiness,
and purity.

Mutual glory—Sharing prosperity and progress
In the Kingdom of Maitreya we will outwardly enjoy progress, harmony,
and happiness together. Inwardly, we will enjoy the honor and glory
resulting from the fact that all our actions are in accordance with our
Sacred Conscience.

Mutual abundance—A world of abundance in material and spiritual aspirations
To live a rich and plentiful life alone is not enough. To be able to
help others to live a life that is rich and to share life together is
much better. Maitreya wants to establish a Kingdom that is free of
poverty, famine, and shortage. Everyone will have adequate material
wealth. In the Kingdom of Maitreya, universal love, righteousness,
wisdom, and trustworthiness prevails.
Mutual joy—Everyone is joyful. Everyone experiences ultimate joy from
his or her inner conscience. This joy is expressed throughout their six
The true essence of happiness is sharing happiness with the world.
This means that we have a happy and joyful life together. In Maitreya
Kingdom, besides having a pure and dignified joy in senses, everyone
experiences the ultimate joy from their inner conscience.

Mutual serenity—Everyone helping each other achieve a peaceful and
harmony life.
The true benevolent one is the one who is able to extend purity,
tranquility, peace, and harmony to others. In the Kingdom of Maitreya,
everyone enjoys freedom and ease. There are no greediness, hatred,
ignorance, mistakes, or attachments.
Mutual enlightenment—Everyone's conscience is bright
To be self-realized and self-enlightened is not the ultimate goal.
The true enlightened one is one whose conscience is elevated and who can
be the master of all his conduct. Moreover, he is able to awake others'
conscience and help them to achieve true realization and true
enlightenment. In the Kingdom of Maitreya, everyone's conscience is
brightened and there is love and joy in every face. Their hearts are
filled with benevolence and their benevolent actions are carried out
everywhere. Everyone is enlightened.

Mutual possession—We are one big family
There are over six billion people and many creatures living on the
Earth. Mutually, they enjoy the same Sun and Moon and breathe the same
air. Individual possessions are less meaningful and are temporary. How
long can our bodies stay alive? How long can wealth, poverty, or power?
In the great realm of time, these situations only last a split o a
second. In the Kingdom of Maitreya everyone clearly understands that
each of us comes from an undivided entity. We possess the same Emanated
Spirit of God and the same Sacred Conscience. We grow together to
overcome our shortcomings and to return to our origin to reunite with the
eternal Laomu.

Mutual gain—The Holy Initiation is eternal, infinity, and forever.
Humankind and the sentient beings of all three realms have a great
opportunity to receive the Light of Maitreya, to become members of
Maitreya family, and to enter the Kingdom of Maitreya. This Holy
Initiation from the "Decreed Master" enables us to realize and recognize
that our Inner True Self is "True Void," that is, absolutely pure and
bright, containing no attachments or defilement. The true meaning of
eternal gain is not only of gains in this life but also in our future
incarnations. Only when we revive the divinity of our conscience, can we
mutually gain eternal conscience enlightenment.

Mutual prosperity—Everyone shares the bliss of Heaven.
The Kingdom of Maitreya is where all humankind and all sentient
beings enjoy mutual prosperity. We will mutually enjoy ultimate
happiness, wealth, longevity, joy, and divinity by carrying out
benevolent actions from our conscience. We should assist Buddha Maitreya
in transforming this chaotic and sinful world into a peaceful and
harmonious world.

Mutual achievement —Regaining sanctity eternally
To assist others to be delivered from reincarnation or to help them
achieve the enlightenment of Buddha hood or Sainthood is the ultimate
perfection. Helping this world to become the Pureland is the way, which
Maitreya will use to deliver sentient beings from suffering. This will
help them achieve the enlightenment of Buddha hood, and to enjoy eternal
life and infinite happiness.
Life is so short. It seemingly passes in the blink of an eye. How
can we transform this term of life into eternity?
When we put materials, religion, technology, humanity, and all our
resources to good use we can create a Pureland and enjoy mutual
prosperity and survive on earth. When our acts are in accordance with
our conscience we will not harm but benefit all people and things. We
will help our community, society and the world. We then are achieving
the true meaning of life: to enjoy mutual survival, glory, joy, and
prosperity with others. At that instant we reach eternity.

The True Essence of Living

When we let the conscience be the master, we will enjoy the abundance of
both material and spiritual life.
Besides helping ourselves to live a happy, blissful, and satisfied
life, we must also help others to lead the same kind of life. In doing
this we do not need to separate material wealth from spiritual wealth.
The nature of material wealth is neither good nor bad. Its goodness or
badness is determined by human factors, which closely related to the
expression of our conscience.
Wealth, status, power and abilities can help others; do good for
society, our country, and even the world when one uses them with his
conscience. On the contrary if the conscience is not the base of these
factors, with corrupted intentions, they can bring harm, damage, and
bring disasters to others and to the world. Money itself cannot do good
or evil. We make the decision of how they should work. When one allows
the conscience to work his wealth, status, power, and the abilities, he
will experience the joyful ecstasies of his conscience, and he will
experience the true meaning of wealth, status, power, and abilities.
One might be under the misconception that worldly things are bad and
should be totally abandoned to satisfy his spiritual life. But we need
to realize that the essence of a truly satisfying spiritual life is not
just to bring joy and peace to oneself, but also to others. When one has
worldly conditions such as wealth and fame, he should not abandon them to
achieve a true spiritual life. Worldly wealth and the likes are not
vicious or poisonous. It is the mind. One should not limit one's
spiritual life to only achieving sanctity, peace, and advancement to
oneself alone. With what he has, he can make good use of them to help
others reach a joyful spiritual living. He can use his power, wealth,
and fame to help others see the light of conscience living. By this
means, he shares not only his worldly conditions; he also shares his
spiritual life with the world.
A true and healthy spiritual living does not depend of what one has
or has not. Some live a spiritual life that is based on supernatural
power. When spiritual life depends of supernatural living, this is not
the proper way. Spiritual living means conscience living. If supernatural
power is not directed with morals, virtue, and the conscience, then
indeed, such power will be led astray. The matter of the fact is,
supernatural power cannot elevate one's conscience living, because the
conscience is above all. The conscience is all divine and powerful. So
we need to be careful of not becoming astray because of the misconception
that a spiritual life needs to indulge in an unnatural way of living, a
supernatural way of living. A truly healthy spiritual life cannot be
attained from any exterior factors. If we try to practice or search
externally, it is like building a house on quick sand. How can it last
for long?
A truly healthy spiritual life comes from within. This is the innate
conscience heritage that is naturally within all of us. When this is
manifested in our daily life, and helps others to manifest their
conscience in their life, this is truly the highest and most healthy
spiritual life.
Once we let our conscience become our Master, all things become
natural. We will not be attached to fame, wealth, power, or status and we
will not be arrogant about our knowledge and intelligence. We will put
all of these into good use to help achieve universal peace, universal
prosperity, universal harmony, and universal happiness. Therefore, with
the conscience being the master, material wealth and spiritual richness
will help bring joy, bliss, and satisfaction to our lives.

The True Meaning of Living

Technology and humanity is to enhance our life with happiness, bliss and
When we let the sacred conscience be our master, then both material
life and spiritual life will be one in the same. When we separate
ourselves from the conscience, then all worldly things becomes the source
that enhances wrong doings. Neglecting spiritual life brings ignorance
and distance ourselves from our conscience. This will bring great
disaster on oneself and onto others.
Life today is based on technological achievements and the expressions
of humanity. Humans are the masters of technology and humanity. They
are only a process of life. But if we treat technology and humanity as
the goals, our lives will be helplessly dominated by these two factors.
Our goal is to live a life of happiness, bliss and satisfaction. To
obtain this goal, we need to put technology and humanity into good use.
In the past, technology and humanity were not as advanced, yet farmers
were happy, blissful, and satisfied. Because of the tremendous
breakthroughs in technology, lifestyles of superb comfort and material
wealth have reached epic levels, yet humans are not happier, more
blissful, or more satisfied.
In modern society, technology becomes the top priority. Why then,
under the influence of such a technological civilization, do youths still
commit so many crimes? Violence, confusion, and chaos are increasing in
society. Many people are corrupted in mind and heart. What are the
factors that cause these?

The Five Desires of Humans

The collapse of moral values in society begins with the five desires.
The basic desires of humans are: food, sex, sleep, fame and profit.
Gao-Tze said, "Desires for food and sex is a part of our nature." The
desires for food, sex, and sleep are humankind's three basic
physiological desires. When we are well fed and rested, we then think of
warmth and sex. Mencius asked, "How much difference is there between
humans and animals?" If we answer this on the basis of natural desires,
there is not much difference. But when we touch upon the nature of how a
true man should be, one with divine conscience awareness, one who is holy
and righteous, then if man exists without any sense of conscience is a
beast cloaked behind human form. Then he can bring terrifying mindsets
and behaviors to the world. If man base happiness, bliss, and
satisfaction only on these five desires then our society will be thrown
into chaos and we will be doomed.
When the desire for material wealth becames so rampant, we then turns
to religion and takes it as a type of medication. But we must keep in
mind that no matter how effective this medication is, it can only treat
the symptoms temporarily. If religious practices cannot guide one to
overcome the five desires, religion itself can also become a dangerous
thing. As long as our conscience is not our master, religion and
material pursuits become another type of trap.

Technology: Fortune or Misfortune

If our conscience is not our master while we pursue technology, then
technology will become a beast that devours humankind.
Pursuing technology is the route of no return. When we are on this
track, we try to discover, make changes, and achieve superiority. But at
the end, it is a self-defeating game. Technology is a world where the
strong dominates the weaker. Businesses can only expand when they get
ahead of others. Technological competition is an endless, and a rather
heartless elimination game. Where is technology going to lead human
beings? Regardless of how splendid or how abundant technological
accomplishments become, they will still be dominated by human desires.
Therefore, if our conscience is not our master while we pursue
technology, then technology eventually will devour humankind.
We need to see clearly that no matter how great our technological
advancement is, or how much abundance we have achieved, in the history of
our material life, it has not brought true happiness, bliss, or
satisfaction to humankind.
As mentioned before, technology is neither good nor evil. Technology is
like water in that it can either make a boat float or sink. Whether it
floats or sinks, it depends on who we treat them. If we don't allow our
conscience be the master, then technology brings tremendous negative
influence upon us. For example, humans can indulge in the extreme
wealth, fame, comforts, and environmental conveniences brought about by
the development of technology. As a result, criminals, terrorists, and
ambitious people use this technology to commit crimes, harming society,
disrupting the nation's peace, and bringing fear into people's lives. It
is the human mind that directs the positives or the negatives of
technology and humanity. Therefore, we need to have a correct mindset in
order to share the goods and the achievements of life.

Listen to the Voice of the Conscience

Controlling the five desires does not mean we are to suppress, avoid, or
be disgusted with them, but rather to turn these five desires into the
five benevolences.
If we try to solve problems by the use of humanity, then our problems
will still exist. Disorder is everywhere because many people do no see
the aims of life and are filled with fear. These signs have reaffirmed
the importance of living with our sacred conscience. Making proper
adjustments and learning how to make good use of human desires is
fundamental in solving our problems.
Mastering the five desires does not mean we are to suppress, avoid,
or be disgusted with them, but rather to turn these five desires into
benevolences. When these five desires are not directed by the
conscience, then they only satisfy the ego of greed and selfishness.
On the other hand, when we let our conscience merge with our life,
benevolence comes through.. With this, the dignity of life will not be
disgraced, nor will the essence of life be distorted. The light of
conscience is benevolence. And benevolences bring us hope and light,
faith and happiness. If our conscience is in charge, material wealth can
enhance spirituality, and technology can become humane. Under the
guidance of conscience, technology can become great and bring
inexhaustible blessings to humankind.

Conscience Guiding the Way

When humanity are guided by the conscience, the meaning and the
respectability of life glorifies.
All aspects of humanity can dignify the existence of mankind. When
these fields of knowledge parallels with the conscience, their various
accomplishments uncovers the beauty and the glories of mankind. This is
how humanity should work for the human civilization.
When humanity is used for a good cause, all people and things will
exist with harmony. People, all things, and the environment can mutually
share the joys of any accomplishment and advancement. The fields of
humanity are so vast, of which includes, religion, art, philosophy,
music, drama, dance, calligraphy, literature, medicine, environmental
protection, architect, fashion, charity, public welfare, and the likes.
All these can enrich the existence of all things. But they can also bring
a negative effect on the whole human civilization and experience when
they are led astray. Its impacts can leave a deep and haunting
impression in the soul of every man.
Many people have done many criminals and evil acts in the name of
humanity. And many have manipulated knowledge and power for selfish
causes. Stray ideas and thoughts have been imposed onto innocent minds,
distorting perceptions and breeding inhuman behaviors. When these
tyrants misplace their knowledge and abuse their power, this is the
lacking of morals and ethics, and this poisons the mind and harbors
violent acts on a massive scale. Disharmony in our world came about in
this manner.
On the contrary, when humanity is led by the conscience, it gives a
rich and profound effect that can elevate and glorify the whole human
civilization. When all fields of knowledge parallels with the
conscience, what it reveals is love, the objective is beneficial to the
world, its concern is to bring universal harmony, then the various
accomplishments uncovers the dignity, the beauty, and the glories of mankind.
The many facets of humanity should bring enlightenment and a
blossoming growth to the human experience. When they are used
positively, all beings can mutually exist with joy. This is the true
advancement and the true achievements of mankind.
Therefore, when conscience, morals, and virtue are the forces behind
technology, science, and humanity, our existence merges with every
hinging around us, becoming one harmonious entity. This is indeed the
true achievement. When technology and humanity are correctly guided and
used, prosperity prevails. A dignified civilization is thus developed.
Society will then be peaceful, stable, and harmonious, and every family
will enjoy the bliss of love and happiness.
When all walks of life come together for this, we aim for the
realization of the ultimate search of all mankind, True Joy. When all
people work together to benefit the world, we are united by the spirit of
universal love. Humanity flourishes.

Maitreya's Noble Vow

Maitreya, the fully enlightened one vowed to bring the Pureland to
the world so that all beings can live in universal harmony.
Maitreya is the great enlightened one. Maitreya's enlightenment is the
eternal realization and awakening of the conscience and the perfect
practice of universal love. Maitreya is the embodiment of universal
love. By this, Maitreya fully reveals universal respect, universal
dignity and unveils every aspect of the true essence of life.
Maitreya equally respects the existence of all beings, whether they
are of the divine, astray, or from the abyss. In Maitreya's heart, all
life, animals, birds, and fish are equally important and their life is as
dignified as any human life. Maitreya's indiscriminate love for all
beings is the key to lead and bring universal harmony to our world.
Maitreya knows that on the surface, all beings are different in form,
awareness, and intelligence. But these are superficial and are not the
true state of things. They are not the true body of being ness.
Whether they are divine beings from a higher realm of realization, a
physical being of our world, the animal life form, or the souls from the
dark abyss, at the very surface, sentient beings seem drastically
different, but in truth we all the same, because our true spiritual body
comes from the Divine Creator, Laomu. We appear different in form, but
our true Self comes from the same original source of divinity. For this
reason, we are equally the same. Our conscience, spirit, or soul came
from the great Creator, Laomu.
Maitreya knows this and loves not only the form in which we exist in,
He accepts and embraces us beyond form. He sees our nature, our origin,
because He sees the divine conscience within all of us. He sees that we
are truly brothers and sisters in the spiritual line of conscience.
Maitreya loves and respects all things despite how we humans value them.
Maitreya loves and respects you and me.
Maitreya's great love is fully revealed in His Noble Vow, a vow that
came to the climax of full enlightenment. Let us now have a better
understanding of Maitreya's Noble Vow.
Maitreya vowed to bring universal happiness to all beings in all
realms of existence. This may sound a bit simple and plan to be graded as
The Noble Vow, but it is by no means simple. Maitreya means it.
It is in Maitreya will and soul to bring every being the happiness
they seek. He wants to fulfill all being's deepest yearnings and cries
for joy and peace. He wants to help us solve all the problems, which we
have not been able to solve, the crime, violence, hate, and fear. He
wants to bring the Heavenly Kingdom, the Pureland here on earth so all
beings can enjoy the fertility of abundance and eternal joy. This is the
great vow of Maitreya. And He will make the Heavenly Kingdom a living
reality in our world. Only Maitreya, the Perfectly Enlightened One, vowed
to such a glorious statement and this unravels with His coming.
To witness and to live the coming of such a wonderful era, Maitreya
tells us to receive it with His teachings on universal love. In
Maitreya's great teaching of universal love, Maitreya sets Himself as an
example of how we can reach such a promise land. "No blame for blame,
and no abuse for abuse", He says. "Reveal universal love through your
smile, give love with your heart, and give love in your acts."
These are the keys to respecting and dignifying life. When we don't
practice this, we are not respecting the dignity of life, nor are we
honoring the Divine Creator-Laomu, the spiritual line of our origin. If
we cannot respect the dignity of all life, how will we have the heart to
receive the coming of the Pureland, how can we live in peace and harmony
with other beings? How can we make the Heavenly Kingdom a reality on
earth, if we cannot respect the dignity of other's existence? How can we
enjoy true joy if we have hate and discrimination?
Only through the teachings of Maitreya, which is the practicing of
universal love, the Pureland comes. And Maitreya will come to guide us,
teach us, and show us how we can achieve this state of peace and harmony.
Maitreya's coming brings universal harmony to all beings. This is
Maitreya's Noble Vow. It will put an end to our long age of ignorance.
His teaching will revolutionize humanity and technology as He will guide
these with morals and conscience.
When we have such mindset, this century will shift from the dark ages
of violence and crime, a period of ill morals and ill conscience into the
Golden Age of enlightenment. This will be a century of perfect
conscience. Maitreya will guide us through and to unearth the true
glories of humanity. Through all the achievements of technology,
science, and all the different fields of humanity, the dignity of mankind
can exist upright and holy. Maitreya brings the sanctity of the Pureland
to our world. We need to open our hearts to receive its coming. And we
need to sanctify ourselves so that we can come to unison with the coming
of the Pureland.
No matter how advanced technology may be, no matter how magnificent
humanity becomes, if they don't bring the peace and harmony to the world,
if they don't bring awakening to the conscience, then technology and
humanity are meaningless.

Author : Wang Tzu Kuang
Publisher : Tzu Kuang Publishers
Address : 12/F, 31 Minsheng East Road, Sect. 3, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC
Telephone : (02) 2503 2081
Facsimile : (02) 2503 8238
Editorial: English Editorial Division, Culture Department, World Maitreya
Great Tao Organization
Address : No.1, 14th Liao, 8th Lin, Hu-Kuang Village, O-Mei, Hsin-Chu
315, Taiwan, ROC
Telephone : (03) 580 6396x326
Facsimile : (03) 580 6257
Email :
ISBN : 986-7935-85-3
Copyright © July 2003, First Edition, Tzu Kuang Publishesrs
All rights reserved. (r)No.2576, Dept. of Publication and Distribution, ROC


Saturday, June 26, 2004

Waisak Thiencen 2004

Pentas drama yang dimulai pukul 15.30 WIB sangat luar biasa, karena
pertunjukan yang melibatkan 30 orang pemain dan 20 orang penari ini
diiringi 80 orang tim paduan suara dan vocal grup beranggotakan 8 orang,
yang menempati sisi kiri dan kanan panggung. Sekitar 10 lagu versi
Inggris, Mandarin dan Indonesia, diantaranya Distorted World, Ren Lei
Ciang Ru He Sheng Chun Sia Chii, Kemana Hidup Harus Dijalani, Sang
Buddha, Lagu Pertobatan dan lain-lain mereka kumandangkan secara live
sesuai dengan adegan yang ditampilkan. Seluruh pendukung acara ini
merupakan gabungan dari vihara-vihara di Jakarta. Kerjasama mereka
menghasilkan tontonan yang penuh makna, ada rasa haru, lucu, sedih,
bahagia, dengan akting yang sangat mantap dan natural. Drama kolosal
selama hampir dua jam ini mengundang banyak decak kagum dan pujian dari
sekitar 1.000 penonton yang memadati lantai 3, yang sebagian tidak
kebagian tempat duduk. 20 orang penari yang unjuk kebolehan di tengah
adegan dengan pakaian kuning cerahnya juga mengundang tepuk tangan meriah
karena formasi mereka yang indah, gerak yang energik dan kompak dengan
iringan lagu Semesta Keluarga Yang Bahagia secara live.

Drama dibagi dalam empat babak. Babak pertama menceritakan kehidupan masa
kini yang penuh Dukkha, di mana manusia mengalami krisis nurani, dengan
pengrusakan alam dan pemujaan materi yang berlebihan. Dunia yang dulunya
indah dan alami, penuh kebahagiaan dan kedamaian. Udara bersih, air
jernih, hawa sejuk dan pohon teduh, bunga-bunga bermekaran, suara angin,
burung dan serangga menghadirkan simfoni alam yang merdu dan harmonis.
Namun semakin lama semakin hilang karena pengeksploitasian sumber dana
alam yang semena-mena, menghalalkan segala cara, egois dan apatis,
manusia sedang berjalan menuju kehancuran. Semua ini mengakibatkan
polusi, sampah dan wabah penyakit, rakyatpun menjadi menderita sehingga
akhirnya menyulut demontrasi. Kehidupan manusia di masa sekarang, di masa
akhir Dharma, masa di mana manusia telah mengalami kematian hati nurani.
Manusia semakin jauh dari kebenaran, hidup dalam kegelapan dan ketakutan.
Inilah masa akhir Dharma yang telah disabdakan oleh Sang Buddha lebih
dari 2.500 tahun yang lalu.

Penampilan pemain yang sangat menjiwai peran sebagai rakyat miskin yang
menderita, yang pada akhirnya dengan penuh kemarahan berdemontrasi,
sungguh sangat menyentuh dan mengharukan, ditambah lagi tampilnya seorang
pemain berpantomin dengan pakaian putih-putih sebagai simbol hati nurani,
dengan mimik wajah yang sarat penderitaan. Itulah gambaran nyata
kehidupan kita sekarang.

Layarpun ditutup dan babak selanjutnya mengambarkan masa lebih dari 2.500
tahun yang lalu. Sang Buddha Gautama dari keluarga Sakya telah mencapai
Anuttara Samyak Sambodhi, penerangan sempurna, di atas Puncak Gunung
Pasa. Sang Buddha memanggil Buddha Maitreya yang waktu itu terlahir
sebagai salah satu murid-Nya, Ajitta (Maha Ratna Kuta Sutra bab 88). Sang
Buddha berpesan kepada Buddha Maitreya, ”500 tahun ke lima pada masa
lenyapnya Dharma Sejati, Engkau harus datang untuk melindungi Tri Ratna
Sejati, agar jangan sampai lenyap dari muka bumi ini.”

Berturut-turut kemudian ditampilkan adegan-adegan per masa 500 tahun.
Masa 500 tahun pertama adalah masa Dharma Sejati. Inti pokok yang utama
pada masa ini adalah Tranmisi Sejati Inisiasi Firmani dari Sang Buddha
kepada Maha Kasyapa di puncak Grdarakuta, yang diteruskan kepada Ananda
dan dilanjutkan para patriat yang akhirnya sampai kepada She Cun dan She Mu.

Masa 500 tahun kedua adalah masa Dhyana Samadhi. Para pembina bersusah
payah membina melakukan Samadhi hanya untuk menginsafi Aku Sejati yang
telah kita dapatkan dengan Chiu Tao di masa ini.

Masa 500 tahun ketiga adalah masa Sutra dan Kitab Suci. Orang-orang
mempelajari Sutra dan Kitab Suci untuk mencari kebenaran Dharma yang
tersirat di dalamnya.

Masa 500 tahun keempat adalah masa Pembangunan Candi dan Pagoda. Pada
masa ini agama Buddha berkembang pesat. Tempat-tempat pemujaan Buddha
sangat populer. Raja memerintahkan membangun Candi/Pagoda untuk umat

Masa 500 tahun kelima adalah masa Kekacauan dan Bencana di mana manusia
terikat nafsu-nafsu dunia, harta, nama yang menghancurkan dunia, sampai
akhirnya manusia pun tersadar untuk mencari jalan untuk menyelamatkan diri.

Babak ketiga adalah masa Transisi dan Kebangkitan Nurani. Setelah
melihat, merasakan dan mengerti tentang kenyataan hidup yang penuh dengan
dukkha, ditambah kekacauan dan malapetaka yang terjadi karena keserakahan
dan egonya sendiri, manusiapun mulai sadar, mulai mencari cara untuk
mengakhiri semua penderitaan ini. Siapa yang menuntun dan membimbing umat
manusia? Dialah Buddha Maitreya, Sang Magga (jalan terang)! Demikianlah
mereka yang beriman terus meneladani jiwa Buddha Maitreya untuk mencintai
dan mengasihi semua makhluk, mereka telah mendatangkan harapan dan cahaya
terang bagi dunia.

Babak keempat Dukkha Nirodha-Visi. Baik dan jahat, benar atau salah,
hitam atau putih, suka dan duka kehidupan ada di dalam satu niat hati
manusia. Kenapa manusia bisa salah memilih? Karena ketidaktahuan. Inilah
tugas siswa-siswi Maitreya, membawa kabar gembira. Buddha Maitreya
merubah ketidaktahuan itu menjadi kebijaksanaan, menebarkan kasih,
menggugah manusia agar tidak lagi egois. Di sinilah benih kebahagiaan
sejati akan bersama. Kebahagiaan duniawi yang dibangun di atas
penderitaan umat manusia dan pengrusakan lingkungan akan mendatangkan
karma buruk dan bencana.

Pertunjukan drama diakhiri dengan bertobatnya pengusaha besar yang diawal
pertunjukan digambarkan sewenang-wenang menjarah kekayaan alam, setelah
bencana demi bencana menimpa dirinya. Kehadiran seorang Pandita yang
menyarankan agar berpartisipasi dalam Proyek Suci Berkah Semesta sebagai
wujud nyata penyesalan dan pertobatan atas dosa-dosa yang telah dilakukan.




Foolish Abeng

Why did Ah Beng go to a movie with his 18 friends ?
Because below 18 not allowed Lah !
? ? ? ? ? ?

Ah Beng wants to buy a TV set. He goes to a shop.
Ah Beng : "Do you have color TV ?"
Salesgirl : "Yes !"
Ah Beng : "Give me a green one, please "
? ? ? ? ?

Ah Beng is filling up an application form for a job.
He supplied the information for the columns on Name, Age, Address
Then he comes to column on "Salary Expected".
He is not sure of the question.
After much thought, he writes " Yes "
? ? ? ? ? ?

Ah Beng goes to a store and sees a shiny object.
Ah Beng : "What is that shiny object ?"
Salesgirl : "That is a thermos flask."
Ah Beng : "What does it do ?"
Salesgirl : "It keeps hot things hot and cold things cold"
Ah Beng : "I'll buy it"
The next day, Ah Beng goes to work with his thermo flask
Boss : "What is that shiny object ?"
Ah Beng : "It's a thermos flask."
Boss : "What does it do ?"
Ah Beng : "It keeps hot things hot and cold things cold"
Boss : "What do you have in it !?"
Ah Beng : "Two cups of coffee and one cup of ice cream"
? ? ? ? ? ?

After taking photocopies of documents, Ah Beng always compares it
the original for spelling mistakes.
? ? ? ? ? ?

Ah Beng always smiles during lightning storms because he thinks
his picture is being taken.
? ? ? ? ? ?

Why can't Ah Beng dial 911 ?
Because he can't find the number 11 (eleven) on the phone.
? ? ? ? ? ?

Ah Beng had just bought a new computer and was using it.
When he encountered some problems.
He decide to use the 'Help' command after some tries.
Soon after, he became very irritated and called the computer
retailer for support.
Ah Beng : "I press the 'F1' key for help ah but it's been over
half an hour & still nobody come and help me Lah ?!"
? ? ? ? ? ?

Ah Beng with two red ears went to his doctor.
The doctor asked him what had happened to his ears and he
answered, "I was ironing a shirt and the phone ring Lah - but
instead of picking up
the phone I accidentally picked up the iron and stuck it to my ear
"Oh dear !" the doctor exclaimed in disbelief.
"But ... what happened to the other ear ?"
Ah Beng answered : "That stupid dumbo called back Lah !!!!"
? ? ? ? ? ?

Ah Beng talk to a long-distance telephone operator.
Operator : "JUST A MINUTE ..."
? ? ? ? ? ?

After completing a jigsaw puzzle he'd been working on for quite
some time, Ah Beng proudly shows off the finished puzzle to a
"It took me ONLY 5 MONTHS TO DO IT", Ah Beng brags.
"FIVE MONTHS ? THAT'S TOO LONG", the friend exclaims.
FOR 4-7 YRS"
? ? ? ? ?

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obat pien ce huang

Subject: Konsumsi obat "Pien Zhe Hwang"

Dear All,

Sedikit info untuk ibu2 / bapak2 yang mau/ baru memiliki anak.
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Obat ini sudah tidak asing lagi bagi orang Tionghoa, khasiat obat ini dapat mengurangi rasa sakit dan infeksi , terutama bagi ibu2 yang habis menjalani persalinan /operasi , mempercepat proses pengeringan luka
operasi, namun untuk hal persalinan.

Berdasarkan pengalaman keluarga yang kami alami, obat ini dapat meningkatkan Bilirubin pada anak melalui pemberian ASI.
Bilirubin normal bernilai 1 , jika bilirubin diatas nilai 12 , biasanya disarankan untuk diberi sinar Ultra Violet buatan di dalam ruangan bersalin, Bilirubin yang tinggi dapat menyebabkan kerusakan otak, jika mencapai angka 40, harus menjalani proses Cuci darah.

Jika tetap ingin mengkonsumsi obat ini, sebaiknya tidak memberi ASI kepada anak selama 2 X 24 jam sejak terakhir minum Pien Zhe Hwang.

Memang masih ada pro- kontra dalam kesmpulan diatas, namun dari informasi yang saya dapatkan dari 2 orang dokter spesialis anak ( Dr. Naomi Sp.A- RS Siloam dan Dr.Yoyok Sp.A - RS Dewi Sri ), sebaiknya hati2 dalam mengkonsumsi obat ini, terutama dalam proses pemberian ASI.

Anak kami terdeteksi Bilirubin tinggi setelah istri saya mengkonsumsi Pien Zhe Hwang, dari hasil check laboratorium mencapai Bilirubin = 15,6, terpaksa harus diberi bantuan UV di Rumah sakit sampai Bilirubinnya turun.

Mudah2an info ini berguna bagi bapak / ibu yang baru atau akan memiliki momongan baru.

Terima kasih.

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Friday, June 25, 2004

Still there is an honest person in this world

Check this please ... this is a good article for today.

Kisah Tukang Pisang
Source: Unknown, Indonesia.

Seperti biasanya malam itu (sekitar pkl 21.30 wib)
saya dan dua orang tetangga kompleksku ngobrol di
gardu siskamling samping rumahku. Sedang asyik kami
ngobrol-ngobrol, dari soal politik, olah raga sampe
masalah warga kompleks dibahas dengan lugas layaknya
talk show di TV-TV yang sedang marak, lewatlah seorang
tukang pisang dengan ditemani seorang bocah seumuran
anak SD, menjajakan dagangannya, "Pisang... pisang..,"
begitu teriaknya.

Terhenti sejenak obrolan kami mengamati si tukang
pisang tersebut, muncul beberapa pertanyaan diantara
"Mengapa sudah malam begini masih ada saja tukang
pisang keliling?" celetuk salah satu tetangga sebut
saja Dedi.
"Kenapa bawa anak kecil segala?" tandas Eri tetangga
ku dengan kritisnya.
"Ada apa keranjang pisangnya dipegangi anaknya itu?"
tanyaku dengan penuh selidik.

Akhirnya kami mencoba menegurnya, "Wah, malam-malam
masih ada pisang ya mang?" tanyaku.
"Iya pak,ada pisang raja dan ambon, masih seger dan
masak dipohon pak" sahut si tukang pisang. "Ini anak
mamang?" tanya Dedi.
"Iya pak, anak saya yang ke dua," sahutnya.
"Kok malam-malam ikut jualan apa tidak belajar?" tanya
Eri penasaran.
"Sudah belajar pak tadi sore sebelum nganter bapak
jualan" jawab anak itu.
"Kok Bapak malam-malam masih jualan bawa anak lagi,
apa gak kasihan anak Bapak kan besok pagi-pagi harus
ke sekolah" tanya ku.
"Bapak saya buta, jadi terpaksa harus diantar kalau
mau jualan keliling pak" sahut anak itu menjelaskan.

Kami begitu kaget mendengar penjelasan seorang bocah
ingusan yang begitu berbakti kepada orang tuanya yang
sedang berusaha itu. Bagaimana tidak, seorang penjual
pisang sampai malam begitu dia keliling kompleks
ditemani anaknya yang sesuai SD itu.

"Bapak kalau pagi mangkal di dekat pasar, selepas
ashar beliau keliling komplek pak, untuk menjual sisa
dagangannya," timpal anak itu.
Itu semua dilakukan demi menghidupi dua anak dan sang

Dengan rasa simpati kami saling bisik-bisik untuk
membelinya. Karena begitu terharu saya dan dua orang
tetanggaku membeli pisang dengan melebihkan pembayaran
dari harga yang ditawarkanya. Tapi apa yang kami
lakukan rupanya mendapat tanggapan berbeda dari si
tukang pisang.

"Ini pak, kembaliannya seribu rupiah," tukas si tukang
"Sudah buat bapak dan anak bapak saja," jawab kami
serempak tanpa sadar.
"Maaf pak saya jualan bukan pengemis," sahutnya.

Dia mengembalikan semua kelebihan uang kami yang
sebenarnya sengaja kami berikan. Kemudian si tukang
pisang permisi dan pergi bersama anaknya menjajakan
dagangannya sembari menuju pulang ke kampungnya.

Terbetik dalam sanubari kami masing-masing, masih ada
orang jujur dan mulia di dunia ini. Uang lebih seribu
rupiah pun tidak dia terima (karena bukan haknya) demi
harga diri dan prinsip yang begitu luhur.

"Saya jualan bukan pengemis pak," dinyatakan oleh
seorang tukang pisang yang buta.

Ada dua pelajaran berharga yang kita bisa petik dari
kisah tersebut:

Pertama seandainya mental itu (tidak rakus pada harta
yang bukan haknya) ada di sanubari semua penjabat kita
tentu triliunan rupiah uang negara (rakyat) yang bisa
diselamatkan di negeri ini untuk mensejahterakan umat,
tidak terkecuali kita juga tentunya.

Kedua betapa optimisnya si tukang pisang, dengan
kondisi yang buta dia keliling kompleks sampai larut
malam mencari rejeki, sementara kita orang yang lebih
beruntung (mata normal) mungkin sudah santai nonton TV
atau beranjak tidur.

Semoga kita bisa lebih mensyukuri nikmat dan anugerah
Tuhan kepada kita semua.


Thursday, June 24, 2004

Dumb vs Clever

Dumb Student, Smart Student

Sewaktu kita sekolah atau kuliah, murid/mahasiswa di kelas dapat
dibagi dalam 3 kategori : murid pintar, murid rata-rata dan murid
bodoh. Setiap orang tua pasti menginginkan anaknya masuk ke kategori
pertama yaitu murid yang pintar dan menghindari yang terakhir atau
murid bodoh. Orang tua seringkali mendaftarkan anaknya untuk kursus
ini, kursus itu agar nilai anaknya menjadi bagus. Orang tua sering
kali memfokuskan pada kelemahan anaknya dan berusaha menutup
kelemahan anaknya itu.

Pada workshop yang saya adakan, saya bertanya kepada peserta: jika
anda mempunyai anak yang menyukai menggambar tetapi nilai
matematikanya tidak bagus. Keuangan anda hanya cukup untuk
membiayai 1 jenis kursus, kursus apa yang akan anda berikan ke anak anda?
Hampir semua peserta menjawab : kursus matematika.

Murid yang pintar biasanya adalah tipe yang ngotot dalam belajar,
mereka takut kalau tidak bisa mengerjakan ujian, stress jika mendapat
nilai buruk.

Tipe murid inilah yang biasanya ikut les ini dan itu, karena mau
SEMUA pelajarannya mendapat nilai baik. Murid yang bodoh biasanya adalah
tipe orang yang masabodoh, mereka tidak terlalu memikirkan akan dapat
nilai berapa. Murid tipe ini biasanya mempunyai SESUATU yang sangat
mereka sukai dan mereka lebih suka melakukan hal itu daripada belajar.
Sedangkan murid rata-rata berada di antara 2 kategori itu.

Di kemudian hari, siapakah yang akan lebih sukses atau kaya dalam
kehidupannya ? Sukses di sini harus dibedakan dengan kaya. Menjadi
kaya berarti mempunyai lebih banyak uang, sedangkan sukses berarti
mengerjakan hal yang mereka sukai dan menyukai yang mereka kerjakan,
dan orang-orang menghargai apa yang mereka kerjakan. Dalam banyak
kasus, banyak murid yang bodoh semasa sekolah dan kuliah menjadi
orang yang sukses, dan banyak pula yang menjadi sukses dan kaya.

Sedangkan murid yang dulu pintar banyak juga yang menjadi kaya
tapi sedikit yang sukses. Mengapa demikian ? Karena dari kecil murid yg
bodoh sudah terbiasa FOKUS kepada KEKUATAN yg dia miliki, dan tidak
terlalu perduli dengan kelemahannya. Sedangkan murid yang pintar biasanya
TIDAK FOKUS pada sesuatu, terlebih lagi mereka terbiasa
mendahulukan perbaikan pada kelemahan.

Saya mempunyai rekan yg merupakan contoh nyata dari tipe murid
yang bodoh ini. Sebut saja namanya a dan b, keduanya pernah tinggal
kelas dan termasuk murid yang tidak perduli dengan nilai bagus, sekarang
si a menjadi fotografer professional dgn client dari
perusahaan-perusahaan terkenal di Indonesia dan si b menjadi montir
professional yg
disegani di dunia rally mobil. Ambil contoh lain, Deddy Corbuzier semasa
sekolah juga tidak termasuk murid yang cemerlang, tetapi sejak kecil telah
menunjukkan kecintaan yg mendalam dengan dunia sulap. Sekarang,
siapa yang tidak mengenal Deddy Corbuzier. Contoh lain lagi adalah Rhenald
Khasali, beliaupun pernah tinggal kelas sewaktu sekolah tetapi sekarang
merupakan salah satu pembicara handal.

Di lain pihak, yang dulunya murid yang pintar seringkali berakhir
dengan bekerja di kantoran, mungkin mereka menghasilkan banyak
uang tetapi belum tentu mereka sukses, karena mereka mungkin tidak
terlalu menyukai apa yang mereka kerjakan, hal ini karena dari kecil
mereka diarahkan untuk memperbaiki kelemahan dan tidak memperkuat apa
sebetulnya kekuatan mereka.

Jika anak anda termasuk dalam kategori anak pintar, jangan terlalu
cepat senang dahulu. Tetaplah gali apa yg ia sukai, apa yg dengan
senang ia lakukan, berilah support agar ia juga melakukan hal yg
ia senangi dan tidak hanya belajar terus menerus. Sedangkan jika anak
anda termasuk anak yg bodoh dan lebih menyukai kesenangannya daripada
belajar, carilah suatu alasan mengapa belajar itu juga penting untuk
mendukung kesenangannya. Misalnya ia suka sekali dengan dunia otomotif, beri
pengertian bahwa seorang ahli otomotif harus mengerti bahasa
Inggeris supaya dapat sukses di luar negeri, atau harus mengerti matematika
agar nantinya mengerti mesin dengan baik, dsb.

Jika sekarang anda bekerja sebagai seorang karyawan, andapun tentu
dibiasakan oleh perusahaan untuk ditambal kelemahannya. Setiap
akhir tahun setelah diadakan penilaian prestasi, pasti ada kelemahan si
karyawan yang diperhatikan oleh atasan dan kemudian dibuatkan
"Plan for Development" dengan mengikutkan karyawan tersebut pada suatu
training yang dapat membantu memperbaiki kelemahannya itu,
sedangkan untuk kelebihannya hanya diminta untuk dipertahankan.

Mereka yang hanya memfokuskan diri pada memperbaiki kelemahan
biasanya lebih sulit menemukan impiannya dibandingkan mereka yang
terbiasa fokus pada kekuatannya. Jadi jangan terpaku pada kelemahan anda,
fokuskan perhatian anda lebih kepada kekuatan anda.



Think Positive!!

Find positive out of every negative - it'll turn the negative into a
smile in your face....

1. For the husband who snores all night, because he is at home asleep
with me and not with someone else.

2. For my teenage daughter who is complaining about doing dishes,
because that means she is at home & not on the streets.

3. For the taxes that I pay because it means that I am employed.

4. For the mess to clean after a party because it means that I have
been surrounded by friends.

5. For the clothes that fit a little too snug because it means I have
enough to eat.

6. For my shadow that watches me work because it means I am out in the

7. For a floor that needs mopping, and windows that need cleaning
because it means I have a home.

8. For all the complaining I hear about the government because it means
that we have freedom of speech.

9. For the parking spot I find at the far end of the parking lot
because it means I am capable of walking and that I have been blessed
with transportation.

10. For the noise I have to bear from my neighbors because it means
that I can hear.

11. For the pile of laundry and ironing because it means I have clothes
to wear.

12. For weariness and aching muscles at the end of the day because it
means I have been capable of working hard.

13. For the alarm that goes off in the early morning hours because it
means that I am still alive.


Wednesday, June 23, 2004

Mulai Membuat Blog

Ini dia isi yang pertama.... (kosong)