Monday, May 29, 2006


Apakah agama bagi kebanyakan dari kalian?
Kepercayaan, ritual-ritual — apabila Anda seorang umat Kristen,
percaya pada seorang penyelamat, pada sesosok
penyelamat tertentu, berikut segenap ritual-ritualnya,
berikut segenap busana-busana megahnya, arsitektur
indah di dalam dan di luar gereja-gereja,
katedral-katedral besar. Saya tidak tahu apakah Anda
pernah melihat seorang kardinal menyelenggarakan
sebuah misa, ini merupakan sebuah pemandangan yang
mengagumkan, keindahan megah, benar-benar cermat, guna
mengesankan orang-orang papa. Dan kepercayaan itu,
dogma itu, ritual-ritual itu, puja harian kalian —bila
kalian melaksanakan puja setiap hari— dan di atas
segalanya, kalian percaya kepada Tuhan. Itulah yang
kalian sebut dengan agama, yang tidak ada kaitan
apapun dengan kehidupan kalian sehari-hari.

Semua agama, yang terorganisasi pun tak terorganisasi,
berkata, jangan membunuh, cintailah orang. Namun
kalian terus membunuh, kalian terus memuja dewa-dewa
yang salah, yang adalah nasionalisme kalian,
tribalisme kalian, kaum Sikh, Muslim, Hindu, semua
tribalismenya. Begitulah kalian saling-bunuh
satu-sama-lain, dan itulah yang kalian sebut dengan
agama. Bukankah begitu?

Makanya guna mencaritahu sifat dari batin relijius,
kalian mesti menyingkirkan semua hal kekanak-kanakan
itu. Bersediakah kalian? Tentu tidak. Kalian akan
melanjutkannya terus, melaksanakan puja kalian,
upacara-upacara kalian, menjadi para budak dari
pendeta-pendeta kalian. Agama-agama telah menjadi
sebentuk tontonan penghibur. Tontonan penghibur itu
boleh jadi sangat sakral, seperti anggapan kalian,
namun ia tetap merupakan hiburan karena ia tidak
mempengaruhi kehidupan kalian dalam hal manapun
Makanya, bisakah kalian menyingkirkan semua itu dan
tidak termasuk di dalam —yang disebut sebagai— agama
manapun, bukan sebagai seorang Kristen, seorang Hindu,
seorang Buddhis, seorang Muslim, meninggalkan semua
itu —itu adalah propaganda yang sudah berabad-abad

Layaknya sebuah komputer, kalian sudah diprogram.
Kalian tentunya memang begitu. Tatkala
kalian berkata, ‘Saya orang Hindu’, kalian telah
terprogram sejak lima ribu tahun terakhir. Makanya
bilamana kalian menanyakan sifat dari agama, kalian
harus bebas dari semua ini. Bersediakah kalian? Tidak,
tentu saja tidak bukan? Karena tatkala kalian bebas
dari semua yang palsu, yang ilusif, maka kalian mulai
menanyakan apa meditasi itu —bukan sebelumnya. Kalian
mengerti? Batin yang ada dalam konflik, otak yang
berjuang, tidak mungkin bisa bermeditasi. Kalian bisa
saja duduk diam selama duapuluh menit setiap hari,
atau setiap siang, setiap malam, betapapun itu adanya,
namun kalau otak tetap saja ada dalam konflik, sakit,
kegelisahan, kesepian, susah, lalu apa nilai dari
meditasi kalian itu?


Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Memorial of Indonesian riot May 1998

Early Documentation No. 3

The Climax of an Uncivilized Act of the Nation Life


* Rapes: A Total Destruction of The Community
* The Extent of The Rapes

* Great Urgency of Help and Revelation
* Epilogue

"About 11.30 a.m. I saw some people among the crowd stopping a car and forcing the passengers to get out, and then they dragged two girls out from the car. They take off their shirts and raped them. The two girls tried to fight back, but it was in vain." (An eyewitness, Muara Angke, May 14, 1998). This is not a made up story, but a true story. It is only one of hundreds of rapes that happened during the riots on May, 1998. The vastness of the rape, according to the reports filed until today, are shown in various tables and testimonies in this very "Document".. After the riot then came out some statements that denied the fact of the rape. Well, it is better to silence the statements. The answer is clear already: the rapes did happen. And this happened to not only one or two, but to many women and girls.
    "After the two girls could get away from the savage rapists, I came to them and embraced them. They begged me to help them finding a secure way to go home. Since I live in that district, I know well the short-cut to the main road. At the Cengkareng cross-road, I saw some nude women corpses, with their faces covered with newspapers. They must had been raped, for I could see the dried blood out to their vaginas, on which the flies swarmed. After leading the two girls the way, I went home through the same road. But when I arrived at the cross-road, the corpses had gone. But to where? Who took them?" (The witness, Muara Anke, May 14, 1998).
Probably some government officials likely to hold their old play: try going to cover the case up as if it never happened since there is no report at all on the savage rape during the riots. It is an easy thing to explain: First of all, in this country, "having been raped" is a condition which is considered shameful or even a defect. That is why for sure the victims and their families try not to reveal what happened to them. Second, since the physical and psychological suffering is very unbearable, the victims and the witnesses can only tell, although with difficulties, to the persons whom they trust. The fact that there is no report at all made to the government shows that until now the government has not yet been considered trustworthy by the people with such a problem. Third, to many rape cases during the riots, the rapists also took the victims' KTP (The Identity Card). And this decreased the possibility of the victims to complain and make reports. They have been silenced by their feelings of "disgrace", by terror or threat. Lastly, the members of the Volunteers Team for Humanity ("Tim Relawan"), who have been often contacted by the victims and the witnesses, many times get warnings not to continue their activities of "listening" and "helping" the victims. In this very country, even in the (supposed-to-be) reformation spirit, speaking about and listening sympathetically to the victims of the rapes is still considered a threat (to the state-nation? or to some official elements?). Even in the (supposed-to-be) reformation condition, seeking the truth has been accused of being a subversive activity. So we do not need to question why the international community halfheartedly counts on Indonesia, as if they are watching a group of barbaric creatures. Please do not ask why the investments from abroad have not yet come to Indonesia. From the "absence" of the reports of the rapes to the government, we cannot conclude that the rape itself never happened. This "Early Documentation No. 3" precisely shows how vast the rapes mere during the riots. A single act of raping has been enough to be considered inhuman. Hundreds of rapes with similar brutal modus operandi were absolutely "systematic and organized massive uncivilized acts". The modus operandi were very similar to the ones that stimulated the riots on the middle May 1998. (Vide "The Early Documentation No.1 & 2).

Jl. Arus Dalam No.1, Rt.001/Rw.012 Cawang, Dewi Sartika
Jakarta 13630, INDONESIA
Tel./Fax: (021) 8094531, Email:

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Englishnesia, another day

Satu ketika Wakidjan dan Tukidjo sedang menonton siaran piala dunia di
sebuah kafe yg menyiarkan langsung pertandingan, disebelah seorang bule...
pertandingan waktu itu antara Inggris dan Perancis...
dan Wakidjan menjagoi Inggris...

Tak lama, ketika striker Inggris sedang menggiring bola, maka wakidjan pun
dgn bersemangat teriak:
"Let's go! let's go! continue kick... run is the tight!"
ayo! ayo! terus tendang... lari yang kenceng!)
Tukidjo yg mendengar pun malu dan berusaha menjelaskan ke bule di sebelahnya:
"sorry mister, friend me this less stupid.."
(maaf tuan, teman saya ini sedikit bodoh)...

Sang bule hanya senyum saja dan kembali meneruskan nonton...
lagi2 wakidjan teriak ketika penyerang Prancis mengambil alih bola:
"Basic stupid! the shake less fast... too heart-heart!"
(Dasar bodoh! goyangannya kurang lincah, terlalu hati-hati!)
"If play ball, attentioned enemy, not until ball take same enemy!"
(kalau main bola, perhatikan lawan, jangan sampai bola diambil sama lawan!)

Tukidjo kembali gerah dan menegur Wakidjan: Djan, not make riot!
(Djan, jangan bikin keributan!)
Wakidjan sambil tetap melihat ke layar komentar:
This problem me! like-like me! human me also pay!
(ini urusan gue! suka-suka gue! orang gue juga bayar!)
tukidjo lalu menggerutu kepada wakidjan:
"Basic head stone... not know culture, shame-shame just! "
(dasar kepala batu... gak tau adat, malu-maluin saja!)

Tiba2 wakidjan berteriak: "IN!!! IN!!! point one zero!!! English the top!"
(masuk! masuk! nilai satu nol! Inggris unggul!)
Tukidjo pun tak tahan dan keluar sembari mengumpat:
"Unfortunately! wakidjan village very! me outside just....
walk foot-walk foot dough..."
(Sialan! Wakdijan ndeso banget! aku keluar saja... jalan kaki-jalan kaki deh....)

Dari mas Tjipto